Look Here: 👇

Don’t be stupid. Just because you aren’t in a relationship right now doesn’t mean that nobody loves you.

You may not have the kind of love romance novels are made of but you have people who loves you with the best kind of love you can ever find. 

For a moment, think about all the people who cares about you and takes care of you without asking for anything in return. Think about the people around you who has been with you through the ups and downs and have seen your best and worst moments and still remain by your side. Think about the people who has no obligation to be with you and all the craziness you bring with you yet are still there, supporting you and lifting you up when you needed it the most. 

Don’t take for granted the love that is given to you right now just because the one you want doesn’t love you back. You have always been loved. You just need to learn to appreciate that.

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